The folding Charcoal and BBQ Bead starter is an awesome device to keep handy in your kit. There is a variety of Charcoal and BBQ fuels available on the market, best finding the one that suits your needs.
This space saving gadget unfolds in a matter of seconds ready to stack with BBQ Beads and get some heat happening for your camp oven or BBQ. This Charcoal Starter is the easiest way to get your BBQ fuel lit and get your food on and cooking.
The starter is a great accompaniment to the Quokka Folding Fire Pit. If you intend on cooking up a roast on the Quokka, just set your Quokka up without the centre grill and place some fire lighter’s on the fire grid. Set up your Charcoal Starter three quarter filling it with BBQ fuel or charcoal. Light the fire lighter’s and place the charcoal starter over the flame. wait for around twenty minutes until the BBQ fuel has ashed over and have turned white. If you are cooking a rotisserie roast place the Quokka Spit Brackets on the grill cradle then empty the contents onto the fire grid inside the Quokka. load up your rotisserie spike with meat and place onto brackets and motor.
If you cannot hold your hand above the heat at the desired cooking distance for more than five seconds, you have a good cooking heat.
If you are cooking a camp oven, pour BBQ fuel into the Quokka but keep around ten pieces for the lid, Put the centre grill in put camp oven on the grill and put some BBQ fuel on the lid. Cooking times will be similar to your home oven. If you feel you have too much heat move the BBQ fuel around the edges of the oven.
Once you have finished with the charcoal starter simply fold it up and stick it in with your Quokka Folding Fire Pit.