Everything is BIGGER in Texas! This Mega USA Meat Rub pack will well and truly have you covered for all things BBQ. All of the world’s favourites in one pack! This is the perfect pack for all those YouTube watchers out there that love the team at Meat Church, Kosmos ‘Q’, Meat Mitch and The Butchers Cut!
What's Included
1x Meat Church - Holy Cow
1x Meat Church - Holy Gospel
1x Kosmos Q - Killer Bee Honey Rub
1x Kosmos Q - Cow Cover
1x The Butchers Cut - Texas Dirt
1x The Butchers Cut - Red Rub
1x Meat Mitch - Whomp rub
1x Meat Mitch - Whomp Naked BBQ Sauce
All Packs come boxed.
*Please be aware that given the size of some products only the Rubs will be boxed